International Women's Day 2024, A Campaign to 'Inspire Inclusion'

Women inclusion is crucial for the development and growth of every society.
International Women's Day
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International Women's Day, otherwise known as IWD, is celebrated globally on March 8.

It’s a day to appreciate and celebrate women's achievement, raise awareness about discrimination and equally take action to drive a gender equal world. 

According to Wikipedia, International Women’s Day initially had no set date, although it was generally commemorated in late February or early March. 

The theme for 2024 commemoration of the IWD is “Inspire Inclusion.”

“Imagine what the world will look like if everyone advocates for a gender equal world, a world free from stereotypes, free of bias and discrimination.

“A world where gender differences are appreciated and honored”.

For the purpose of this article, it is crucial to emphatically state reasons why women inclusion is important in our society.

Why Women Inclusion is Necessary 

  • Women are naturally empathetic: This helps them to understand how to connect with everyone in society. Also, their compassionate leadership style creates a credible environment in which everyone feels appreciated and inclusive.

  • Women are great communicators: Their communication skills and relationship building play a great role in resolving conflicts and reaching successful negotiations in society and the world in general.

  • Women are teamwork builders: They tend to make bold and wise decisions as leaders. They also create a team that is less authoritative, more cooperative and in turn encourages inclusivity in every sector in society.

  • Women are generally good at multitasking: In the world of women, wearing different hats within their roles is a rare gift. They are great at balancing career, family, and giving parental guidance in relation to every other experience. However, this motivates them to adjust to new situations and focus on proffering solutions to real life work challenges.

  • Women Think Differently: Naturally, relating with a diverse team encourages women to prepare greatly and expect different viewpoints. The availability of numerous perspectives in decision making equally enables them to anticipate differences in opinion and makes them assume that they will need to work harder to come to a consensus. 

Consequently, Gender inequality pushes women and their households into cycles of poverty. When women are given a good education, good job opportunities and healthcare, they thrive. Therefore, investing in gender equality is an appropriate, highly-productive way to eradicate poverty in our society.

The world will get better when opportunities are made available for women as well as men. This will also improve growth and development.

It is no longer news that diversity of all types (gender, race, sexual identity, etc) enhances a nation’s productivity and innovation. Therfore, it is imperative that we come together to forge an inclusive world for women everywhere.

Happy International Women's Day to all women who have advocated for their rights, and to those who continue to advocate. Your courage is an inspiration to all, keep beaming and inspiring.

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