Nigerian Army Deploys 157 Soldiers To South Sudan For Peacekeeping

This deployment demonstrates Nigeria's continuous commitment to peacekeeping activities across the world.
Nigerian Army
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In a significant contribution to world peace and security, 157 soldiers from the Martin Luther Agwai International Leadership and Peacekeeping Centre in Jaji, Kaduna State have been deployed to Abyei in South Sudan for peacekeeping operations.

This deployment demonstrates Nigeria's continuous commitment to peacekeeping activities across the world.

The troops consisting of 15 officers and 142 soldiers who are members of the Nigerian Company 2 of the United Nations Interim Security Force in Abyei (NIGCOY 2 UNISFA), went through a rigorous six-week pre-deployment training programme, demonstrating Nigeria's commitment to deploying well-prepared peacekeepers for international missions.

The extensive training programme addressed critical issues such as as sexual exploitation and abuse, conflict-related sexual violence, conduct and discipline, and civilian protection. The programme, held at the Martin Luther Agwai International Leadership and Peacekeeping Centre, sought to provide troops with the skills and information they needed to effectively participate in the peacekeeping mission in Abyei, South Sudan.

Major General Ademola Adedoja, the Commandant of the Centre, emphasised the training's relevance in preparing troops for the obstacles they may face during their deployment.

During the pre-deployment graduation ceremony, Major General Boniface Sinjen, Chief of Operations at Army Headquarters, highlighted Nigeria's long history of engagement in peacekeeping missions.

Nigeria has played an important part in international peacekeeping operations, with over 40 missions and more than 100,000 troops deployed since its first deployment to Congo in 1960. Sinjen emphasised the national defence policy's focus on African security and stability, particularly in the West African sub-region, demonstrating Nigeria's commitment to peace beyond its borders.

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