NLC orders Workers to Resume work after 2-days warning strike

The Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC) has instructed all affiliate unions to resume work on Thursday following the successful completion of the two-day warning strike.
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In a letter addressed to all its affiliates and State Council Chairpersons, the NLC expressed gratitude for their significant contributions in achieving the strike's objectives, which were set during the National Executive Council (NEC) meeting where the strike decision was made.

The letter, titled "The Two-Day Nationwide Warning Strike: Nigerian Workers Have Spoken," and signed by NLC President Comrade Joe Ajaero, emphasized that the message sent through the warning strike had resonated with the government.

The letter read: "We write to extend our heartfelt gratitude to all our dedicated Affiliates, State Councils, and esteemed members for their unwavering support and active participation in the recent two-day nationwide warning strike.

"This collective effort was undertaken to emphasize our strong conviction that the government should prioritize the welfare of our citizens and adhere to our established statutes.

"We are pleased to report that, thanks to your resolute commitment, we have made significant strides in achieving the goals set during our National Executive Council (NEC) meeting, which prompted the initiation of this warning strike.

"It is abundantly clear that our united message has resonated loudly with the government, and it would take a truly inattentive ear not to hear it.

"As we mark the end of the two-day nationwide warning strike today, at the stroke of midnight, we earnestly call upon you all to gracefully conclude the strike and return to work tomorrow, in accordance with our initial agreement.

"We would like to take this moment to express our profound appreciation for your unwavering determination and dedication, which played a pivotal role in the resounding success of this action.

"Your contributions during this warning strike exemplify your unwavering commitment to our shared cause."

The letter also stated that if the government fails to provide appropriate responses to their demands, they encourage their members to maintain their steadfast resolve.

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