Reps Raise Concern over Declining Revenue from NRC

The House of Representatives expressed deep concern over the perceived decline in revenue generated by the Nigerian Railway Corporation (NRC) during a session on Wednesday.
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The Office of the Accountant General for the Federation disclosed that, for the year 2023, the NRC remitted a meager N345 million in revenue, covering the period from January to September.

The apprehensions were voiced during the 2024–2026 Medium-Term Expenditure Framework and Fiscal Strategy Paper (MTEF/FSP) interactive session in Abuja. The Managing Director of the NRC, Fidet Okhiria, appeared before the House Committee on Finance to address these concerns.

In response to queries from the committee, led by James Faleke, Okhiria acknowledged a concerning issue of ticket racketeering within the NRC staff, contributing to a substantial loss in revenue. He reassured the committee that decisive action had been taken, with the dismissal of those involved in the malpractice and the demotion of individuals engaged in lesser offenses.

During the session, Faleke pointedly addressed Okhiria, stating, “Social media clips show how your staffers are engaging in ticket racketeering.”

In response, Okhiria said,  “This is true, and the solution to that is e-ticketing, and the government has approved that.”

He said the corporation was working with the security agencies to arrest the menace.

Faleke, however, expressed worry about the revenue generated, adding that “our concern is that if we expect so much revenue from NRC and we aren’t getting it, then there is a problem.

“I think we should take the decision that the railway should self-fund and take care of their costs and remit to the government the surplus,” he said.

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