Contributions of Technology in the Growth of Nigerian Economy

Technology has created numerous opportunities and jobs for Nigerians as people barely depend on Government for employment.
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The adoption of technology by a nation has a greater impact in the development of its economy. Nigeria, just like other third world countries, has embraced the use of digital technology since the outbreak of the Covid- 19 pandemic in 2020.

Invariably, technology has replaced not only how Nigerians learn, produce and connect, but also enable more of its subjects to create and test new objects and ideas, making costs and risks of innovation and product development friendly.

Previously in Nigeria, technological skills could be summarized in writing, accounting, languages, and proficiency in basic computer knowledge but today working methods have changed, as new technical skills emerged as a result of these changes, and companies value them highly when recruiting new employees.

Technological Skills to learn in Nigeria in this time of Economic Downturn.

In this jet age and time of economic downturn, anyone who wishes for career growth and advancement in Nigeria should upgrade their technological knowledge. Having proficiency in current technology will allow you to easily adjust to all the emerging technologies and hardship in the country. 

These are some Technological Skills one can learn to upgrade their skillsets in Nigeria.

1 Data- Analysis: This is one of the technological skills that is much in demand in the Nigeria job market currently.  It entails using statistical tools to process, obtain raw data and subsequently convert it into information useful for decision-making by users. Data is collected and analyzed to answer questions, test hypotheses, or disprove theories. However, the data analyst serves as a gatekeeper for a company's data so stakeholders can understand data and use it to make strategic business and decisions.

2 Project Management: This field is also ripe with opportunities. Project management careers exist in many industries, from construction to healthcare and engineering. The “project manager” just as it entails is a person responsible for the day-to-day management of a given project. Virtually every industry requires people with this skillset.  As a project manager, you could be employed by a startup or a big corporation. You could work freelance, full-time, or even be a consultant.

3 Software development: This is another mouth watering opportunity in tech. Software developers also known as coders or software engineers use their programming skills to create new software and improve existing software applications. They develop softwares like firefighters and butchers, bakers and candlestick makers. Software developers don’t just exist in different levels of seniority but also across a wide range of programming languages and technologies. 

4 Digital marketing: Just like other technical professional fields, digital marketing provides opportunities for many. It's important for reaching customers effectively. Digital marketing involves the promotion of products and services through a variety of digital channels, using the internet and mobile technology.

The following are some roles in the digital marketing field;

Photography, Social media specialist, Graphic design, Copywriting, Email marketing, Search Engine Optimization marketing, Influencer marketing, Content writing, etc.

5 Cyber Security: There are numerous opportunities for people to start and advance their careers within cybersecurity.  Cyber security professionals use their knowledge of threats and vulnerabilities to build and implement defense systems against a range of security concerns. They also oversee an organization’s network and computer security systems, help organizations across industries bolster their security stance and prevent cyberattacks. In this role, you might manage security teams, coordinate between teams, and ensure security compliance. They are also responsible for an organization's entire security infrastructure. 

Conclusively,The above skills consist of all the abilities that help you interact with the digital world around you.  Learning any of the skills will help one to survive in this time of economic hardship in Nigeria. Technical skills are in high demand because they offer a wider range of job opportunities and better salaries, help organizations achieve their goals, improve efficiency and keep entire organizations safe from hackers . Also, enables one to work remotely without much stress.

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